Review: Hackers (1995) January 31, 2019 1995 90s angelina jolie computers +2 cyberpunk funny hackers hacking matrix thriller 1995 90s angelina jolie computers cyberpunk funny hackers hacking matrix thriller
Review: Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade (1999) January 30, 2019 1999 akira alternate history +3 animation anime cowboy bebop dark hiroyuiki okiura jin-roh polish cinema 1999 akira alternate history animation anime cowboy bebop dark hiroyuiki okiura jin-roh polish cinema
Review: Sorry to Bother You (2018) January 25, 2019 2018 absurdism boots riley +3 danny glover lakeith stanfield satire sorry to bother you tessa thompson weird 2018 absurdism boots riley danny glover lakeith stanfield satire sorry to bother you tessa thompson weird
Review: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) January 24, 2019 2018 animation christopher miller +4 into the spider-verse Marvel phil lord sony spider-man stan lee superheroes 2018 animation christopher miller into the spider-verse Marvel phil lord sony spider-man stan lee superheroes